
Taking a moment to be thankful for the amazing friendships I have in my life. These are the friends that have helped shape me into the woman I am today. They are my girls that I can run to when I don't know what to do. I celebrate with them, I cry with them, and I just enjoy doing life with them. 

This is Kaia.  She is Beautiful.  She is someone you can run to errands with and just have a blast. We talk and connect doing the everyday things of the world.  She is the best person to go for a walk with and is great at motivating you.  She also can keep you entertained with a story during a long run ( I am talking 10 miles). 

This is Erin.  She keeps me up to date.  She is my friend that just knows everything. If I need the answer to an obscure pop culture question she is my girl. If I need advice on medical options, she is my girl. If I need to understand what is going on politically, she is my girl.  Not only does she help me stay relevant, and challenges me intellectually, but she is genuine.  She is genuine in everything she does.  One of my favorite parts of living in SF, was when we would have Erin nights.  We would text each other what we had on hand at our houses and we would come up with a meal.  We would cook,  work out, talk, and watch a show! I loved those evenings. 

This is THE WARSINGS.  You have to type them in all caps because they are USF's loudest couple. ;) They are our FRAMILY.  I think I made that word up. But, they are our family here in WA.  We have known them since forever, and we lived together for an entire year.  We have supper together as much as we can. Micah was born that first year, when we moved to Wa, so he is our Buddy. 

This is Morgan.  She is the college roommate dreams are made of. We kind of headed to USF, looking for a college roommate that we would just hang out with... ALL the time.  She is a person that I don't really get sick of.  We can pretty much do anything or nothing and have a great time. 

This is Andrea and Bethany.  They have hearts of pure gold. We got to live in the great city of Pierre, Sd together.  Adults, with no kids, just living our best life. Our time in Pierre was such a gift.  Workouts, going out to dinner.  Girls nights, nights watching way too much television. Games, weird human tricks, anything and everything we did together. 

These are my college girls.  Every single one of them is unique.  They make me a better person, they push me in different ways. AND OH, they make me LAUGH!!!!!

This is my Patricia.  She is my piglet.  I have known her practically my whole life.  She is a constant on this roller coaster of life. She is steady, wise, and understanding.  She is smart and courageous.  She is the friend who just starts cooking herself lunch at your house, she is the friend that packs your honeymoon bag...because you are too overwhelmed to do it.  SHe is the best. 

My Janna Banana. She is my artsy friend.  She is one of the most thoughtful people I know.  She can give a gift better than anyone I have ever met.  I refuse to do crafty/artsy projects without her.  I know they will suck if she is not there to guide me.  I started my teaching career with her as my roommate.  We have stuck together, even when we were super annoyed with one another.  
